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Retro: Welcome
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Common Questions

You Ask. We Answer.

When will receive our retro?

We will issue the retro payments as soon as we receive the funds from our funders. Those funders are: CLBC, MCFD, VACFSS, FVACFSS and the Territory of the Yukon. We have been assured that funds will arrive by the Fall of 2023.


How are you calculating retro?

Retro payment calculations are being now, made in order of seniority. We are almost finished!


Current employees are being paid first. Once their payments are issued, we will begin calculations on former employees.

How will we receive the retro?

Your payment will be direct deposited to the same account that we use for your regular paycheques.

Retro: FAQ

Who is performing the retro calculations?

Retro calculations are being performed by a dedicated accounting associate in-house! The reports were provided by payroll. Payroll cannot perform the calculations (because they are occupied full time doing payroll :)

What is your process?

Team Leaders are attending an info session on June 07. From there, a memo will be circulated to all employees (with a link to this webpage) that details the process. In the coming weeks, employees can expect to receive a report of our calculations.

Who can I speak to with questions?

Please book an appointment here! We will be happy to meet with you, take careful note of your questions/query and respond in kind. Questions will be answered in the order in which they are received.

Retro: FAQ

You deserve this.

We are working to get you these funds as soon as possible!

Retro: Text
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